Bwana Iguana Visits Wawaloam Kindergarten Students |
A very special "Thank You" to Mr. Alan Shawn Feinstein for making it possible to have a visit this week from Bwana Iguana for our Kindergarten students. The show included seeing an array of turtles, lizards, and snakes and learning new information about these fascinating reptiles! Check it out! Bwana Iguana
Did you know that tomorrow (12/10) from 1-3 you can ice skate for free at the Boss Arena if you bring an unwrapped new toy for a child. If you have never gone, consider trying it out. They have special little carts that new ice skaters can use to help them keep their balance on the ice. Once you get over the workout involved with getting everyone laced up and on the ice, it is a blast!
There are still about 40 tickets left for the EWGPTA Polar Express event! If you are interested, you can contact Tami DePietro at jd340@cox.net. She would need your child's name and the number of people in your group.
Children are invited to wear PJs, bring blankets and they will be serving hot chocolate and cookies!
Check out this link for a few suggestions as we get closer to the holiday celebrations.
Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday
My favorite? #4 Remember why you are doing this. Ask yourself why you celebrate certain holidays. If this task or that errand doesn't contribute something meaningful to your celebration, cross it off your list. Chances are no one will notice that it’s missing.
I will end this week with a special picture that exemplifies the mindset here at Wawaloam: Mr. Greenberg, our Elementary School Social Worker happened to be wearing a yellow and black vest today. I told him I liked his bee vest! I told him he needed to wear the antennae headband. I asked him if I could take a picture, he didn't even blink. We decided he should stand next to the Bee Kind poster in the office.
The people who work here make such a difference every day! They would do anything for your children! Just look at this picture and you will agree!
~EWG Class of 2019 Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser~
EWG Knights Youth Football & Cheer - Informational Flyer Link:
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