Friday, January 30, 2015

Lots of helpful information this week!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Know that your child's health, safety and well being are priorities at Wawaloam School. We continue to encourage frequent hand washing, covering coughs, good nutrition, fresh air, exercise, etc. but recognize that our population is young and learning to master these healthy behaviors. Increased illness at this time of the year is to be expected. Working together, we hope to minimize the amount of illness so our students can be in school, feeling well, and ready to learn and excel at Wawaloam School. Mrs. Larkin and I have been reflecting on information that we feel may be helpful now that we are encountering increased illness. She has shared information that we wanted to pass along so that we can stay as healthy as possible:
Despite our continuous efforts to decrease the spread of illness, this is the time of the year when students seem more likely to become sick. Complicating this year is the report that the flu vaccine has not been as effective as was hoped. In school, the most common recent complaints have been: stomach aches, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, sore throats, ear aches, vomiting, and developing fevers.

This is a reminder that while attendance is very important, it is also very important that your child feels well enough to be in school for the day with his/her classmates and ready to learn. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, has vomited, has a headache not relieved by an over-the-counter analgesic, a severe persistent sore throat or earache, nausea or stomach ache unrelieved by eating, going to the bathroom  and/or an antacid, it is advised that your child remain at home with a responsible caretaker. Please contact your physician for medical advise if needed. I can be reached at 295-8802 if you have any questions or are unsure if your child should come to school, or wish to discuss your child's health.

As a review, students should remain out of school for 24 hours fever free without the use of analgesics before returning to school. Students who vomit should be able to eat solid foods without further vomiting for at least a day before returning to school. Students with persistent headaches, sore throats, earaches should be evaluated by their physician to determine if medication should be ordered to relieve their symptoms. If your child is brought to the physician, it is advisable to obtain a doctor's note that he/she has been examined. This will document the reason for your child's absence, if prolonged, from school. Students who are prescribed an antibiotic, must take the antibiotic for 24 hours to be noncontagious and able to return to school.

During this time of higher than normal illness, to limit unnecessary exposure to ill students in the health office waiting to be picked up, I have requested that staff continue to use health office passes to send ill/injured students to the health office and to limit the visits of students whose complaints are minor and can be handled in the classroom. For example, during the winter months, having chapped lips is a big distraction for many students. If able, you may send in a lip moisturizer with your child's initials for their personal use.
Please note that during the winter months, unless the temperature, including wind chill, is below 20 degrees, or inclement weather, students spend approximately 15 minutes outside to enjoy fresh air, exercise and sunshine. Please mark all belongings with their initials to avoid items becoming part of our growing lost and found bin. If your child is missing a piece of winter clothing, please encourage him/her to check this bin or send us an email describing the missing item and we will gladly check for you.
If your child is in need of a winter coat, or clothing, please let me know. I frequently receive donations of gently used items to pass on to our students.


Thank you so much Mrs Larkin! We certainly appreciate all of these reminders! 

Additional information that we want to share is that we are extending the Flash Food Drive from this week until Monday. Please try to send in one item.  Mr. Feinstein has announced that he will donate 1.00 per item up to $1000.00 to all schools who participate. As of now, we seem to have about 400 items. Anything you can send in is appreciated. 

Don't forget about the Math Workshop next Wednesday at Wawaloam School from 9:15-10:45 AM. This is on the Common Core Math and Tools to Support Instruction at Home and Mrs. Kilday will be the presenter. She can offer this at additional times as well if there is interest. Please let us know. 

Hoping you all have an outstanding weekend and that you are ready for some Superbowl action!! 

Melissa Marino

PS- Here is a GREAT site to check out with your child about Groundhog Day which is on Monday, February 2, 2015!

PSS - 100th day of school is now on February 6 (NEXT FRIDAY) we will accept your 100th day of school projects throughout the entire week next week! We already have some AWESOME creations!! 

Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23 Wawaloam Updates

Dear Wawaloam School Community, 

It seems as though we may be forced to deal with some true winter weather over the weekend and maybe into next week too! WJAR Channel 10 says: A coastal storm may come closer to the area than previously expected for Saturday and Saturday night. Right now specifics are cloudy but there is a chance of accumulating snow for SOME as well as a chance of rain mixing in with the snow at times closer to the coast. Must be time to dig out the sleds and snowpants! Speaking of which, we do try to make every effort to get your children outside for recess. We do feel that it is very important to get hearts pumping and bodies moving! The link below stresses the importance of getting outside to play:

However, at times it actually is TOO cold to do this and we have been creative on some of those days. We have been using the website and there are actually 15 minute links that are called INDOOR RECESS. We have to set some safety parameters for these days but overall, all of the kids who have recess at that time come down to the cafeteria and spread out and follow the movement prompts to the music while watching the screen. Have your children mentioned this? They seem to be having a GREAT time when it is taking place! 

Another great idea for an indoor activity: Family Bingo event this Sunday, from 1-3 pm in the Metcalf cafeteria. We've got about 50 families signed up but have room for more, so walk-ins are welcome. Just $10 per family includes two hours of BINGO (everyone wins a prize!) and refreshments. We'll also have a raffle with great prizes like a $20 gift card to Christmas Tree Shop. 

BJ's Membership Fundraiser - The PTA's annual BJ's fundraiser starts today and runs until Friday, February 6th. Fliers and enrollment forms are coming home today with your child. Did you know that your friends and family outside the EWG community can participate as well? Send them to the PTA web site ( where they can download the enrollment form. You can do a new membership or a renewal, and the PTA receives $5 for every membership. The PTA thanks you for your support!

We are going to be having a FLASH FOOD DRIVE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY NEXT WEEK JANUARY 26-30. Alan Shawn Feinstein has invited schools to participate in this challenge and we are taking it on! He will donate 1.00 for every item we receive next week up to $1000.00 Put this on your calendar, please send in at least one canned food item next week! We will try to send additional reminders out as well and if we get enough participation, we will plan another special assembly for our school! 
A message about the EWG Girls softball winter clinic. It is a great introduction for the little ones to see if they are interested in softball and also great exercise during the winter. It is reasonably priced and is geared toward the younger girls. If you are interested, this link will take you to their website: 
Don't forget to check out what is going on at your local library! I know that Shannon at Louttit Library and Diane at Exeter Library are always planning great events for children and families. In fact, I noticed on the Exeter Library Calendar there is a FROZEN party coming up on Saturday January 31 Shannon from Louttit asked me to share this information with you:
Relax and Read With a Dog Saturdays January 31 & February 28 10:30am-11:30am A local 4H group will be here with their dogs for children to read to. This program is great for struggling and new readers to read to dogs in a non-stressful environment. Children can sign up for 15 minute sessions. Please call the library or come in to register. Open to children in Pre-K through 4th grade.  Lego Club Thursdays  6-7pm  January 8, 22, February 5, 26, March 5, 26 What do we do at Lego club? Lego club is free play for an hour with the library’s  collection of Legos~We hope to see you there!

One more upcoming event I want to mention briefly this week is that we are going to be having a SPORTS EQUIPMENT RESALE EVENT. Do you have cleats that no longer fit? Outgrown equipment? Football helmets? Bats? Gloves? Outdoor games? Hobbies that have fizzled (snowshoes, tennis raquets, yoga mats?  Stuff that you have no use for taking up space in the garage? Please consider sending these items in to Wawaloam School. We will be saving all of your donations for a special event in March called "Bee A Good Sport". All of the proceeds will be used to support our PE program at Wawaloam School! Bee on the lookout for more detailed information coming soon! 

           What a FUN idea!                My children enjoying the snow last year!

Have a terrific weekend everyone! 
Melissa Marino

P.S.  Have you placed your orders for Girl Scout Cookies? 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year~Happy Winter Wonderland

Dear Families,

I am beginning to understand the whole idea of hibernation after this week of a true dose of winter chill. For the record, I am not a fan of cold, snow, ice or wind (no matter how many times I have been exposed to the movie Frozen). Trying to stay positive, I forced myself to think of 10 things that make me happy that are connected to the cold weather. Here they are: warm pajamas, fleece blankets, a fireplace that is crackling, homemade soup, winter boots, rosy cheeks, Yawgoo Valley, baking cookies, football season and fresh fallen snow that looks like glitter. Please feel free to add to my list, maybe hearing your additions will change my perspective:)

Obviously, we did not go outside for recess this week but if we see temperatures and wind chills that are acceptable, plan on outdoor time next week. This means students should come to school with warm coats, boots, hats, gloves etc.  I am sure we will hear cheers of joy and jubilation when we can finally allow outside recess.

Did any of your Kindergarten children mention the book we read this week together called Tattle Tongue?? This provided a GREAT explanation of the difference between tattling and telling and the rules for Tattling! 1. Be a Danger Ranger 2. Be a Problem Solver 3. Now or Later 4. Mind your own "Bees"wax  If you are interested, ask your Kindergartener about this!

Thank you to the PTA for a great meeting last night. In spite of the frigid temperatures, we had a great turn out and lots of ideas were shared! One promise I made was to mention that the PTA will gladly accept donations for Upcoming PTA Event Raffles! They will be happy to accept items you received over the holidays for gifts that you might not need and would be willing to donate. These could include but are not limited to: Frames, Gift Cards, Accessories, Stationary, Games, Home Decor, Soaps, Candy, Costume Jewelry, etc. etc. etc. Simply send your donations in to Metcalf or Wawaloam and leave for PTA :)

Speaking of donations, we are in the process of sending 18 packages to troops stationed in Spain, Italy, Iraq and Africa thanks to all of you! This was a great community project and we should be very proud of our Wawaloam efforts to think about and help others.

A quick reminder about the Parent Math Workshop scheduled for this coming Tuesday from 6-7:30 PM at METCALF on Alternative Algorithms. Many times we will hear "they do not teach math the way I use to learn" and Mrs. Kilday has a great parent session planned to help you support the instruction that takes place in the classroom at home! She is hoping for a great turn out!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend- I will be wearing warm pajamas, covered in blankets, eating soup, listening to the crackling fire while routing for the Patriots!

Melissa Marino